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Course Curriculum
Tersedia di
setelah Anda bergabung
- 5101a Place Value & Comparing (42:02)
- 5101b Rounding off to the nearest thousand and estimation numbers (31:30)
- 5101 Numbers to 1000000 (40:15)
- 5102 Multiplying by 10, 100, 1.000 and Their Multiples (50:55)
- 5103 Dividing by 10, 100, 1.000 and Their Multiples (49:32)
- 5104 Order of Operations (35:44)
- 5105 Solving Word Problems (47:06)
- 5201 Fraction and Division (37:33)
- 5202 & 5203 Addition of Mixed Numbers (73:42)
- 5204 & 5206 Product of a Fraction and a Whole Number (41:11)
- 5205 Product of Two Fractions (23:45)
- 5207a Solving Word Problems (30:50)
- 5207b Solving Fractions Word Problems (81:09)
- 5301 Finding Ratios (23:40)
- 5302 & 5303 Equivalent Ratios (42:42)
- 5304 Solving Word Problems (34:05)
- 5401 Area of a triangle (46:57)
- 5402 Composite Figures (40:45)
- 5403 Volume of a Solid (23:24)
- 5404 Drawing Cubes and Cuboids (23:45)
- 5405 Volume of a Cube and a Cuboids (26:54)
- 5406 Volume of a Liquid (24:33)
Tersedia di
setelah Anda bergabung
- 5305 Part 1 - Multiplying by 10 (15:08)
- 5305 Part 2 - Multiplying by 100, 1000 (6:25)
- 5306 Part 1- Dividing by 10 (7:19)
- 5306 Part 2 - Dividing by 100, 1000 (8:04)
- 5307 - Converting measurements (15:05)
- 5308 - Solving decimal word problems (12:25)
- 5309 - Percent (11:48)
- 5311 - Decimals as fraction and percentage (8:49)
- 5312- Percentage of a quantity (8:08)
- 5313 - Solving word problems (16:58)
- 5407 - Angles on a straight line (16:42)
- 5408 - Angles at a point (16:52)
- 5409 - Vertically opposite angles (20:16)
- 5411- Classifying triangles (18:16)
- 5412 - Sum of angles in a triangle (13:32)
- 5413 P1 P2 - Right-angled, Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles (27:50)
- 5414 - Finding unkwon angles (22:36)
- 5415 - Drawing triangles (16:54)
- 5416 - Classifying quadrilaterals (22:32)
- 5417 - Parallelogram (18:04)
- 5418 - Rhombuses (16:18)
- 5419 - Trapezium (14:04)
- 5421 - Drawing four sided figures (17:12)
- 5501 - Rate (15:16)
- 5502 - Solving word problem (24:02)
- 5601 - Average (16:41)

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