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Course Curriculum
Tersedia di
setelah Anda bergabung
- 4102 Compare order pattern number to 100 000 (30:42)
- 4203A Conversion of Fractions (31:18)
- 4104 Rounding & Estimation (24:58)
- 4106A Prime Numbers & Factors (29:35)
- 4106B - Highest Common Factor (40:31)
- 4109A Multiplication by 1 Digit Number (29:47)
- 4110A Multiplication by 2 Digit Number (33:37)
- 4111 Dividing by 1 Digit Number (25:10)
- 4111A Division by 1 Digit Number (44:37)
- 4205 Fractions of a Set (41:51)
- 4205A Word Problems (37:50)
- 4205B Rounding Off and Estimation of Fractions (30:34)
- 4101 Number to 100 000 (27:46)
- 4105 Factors & Multiplies (49:02)
- 4109 Multiplication by 1 and 2 Digit Number (75:04)
- 4112 Word Problems Involving Multiplication and Division (42:22)
- 4201 Mixed Numbers & Improper Fraction (30:08)
- 4302 Understanding Hundredths (27:14)
- 4303 Understanding Thousandths (30:40)
- 4304 Comparing Decimals (39:50)
- 4305 Rounding Decimals (17:18)
- 4305a Rounding & Estimating Decimals (20:28)
- 4306 Fractions & Decimals (19:55)
- 4403 8 Point Compass (27:27)
- 4106C Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) (71:09)
- 4401 Understanding & Measuring Angles (69:39)
- 4404 Properties of Squares & Rectangles (28:16)
- 4406 The Symmetric Figures and Line Symmetry (45:54)
- 5309 = 4306a Percentage (28:48)
- 4301 Understanding Tenths (22:52)
Tersedia di
setelah Anda bergabung
- 4203 - Improper Fractions & Mixed Number (22:30)
- 4204 - Comparing & ordering Fractions (23:08)
- 4206 - Adding & subtraction fractions (16:13)
- 4207 - Fraction words problem (27:32)
- 4307 - Addition of decimals (18:46)
- 4308 - Subtraction of decimals (16:08)
- 4309 - Mutiplication of decimals (20:32)
- 4310 - Division of decimals (30:38)
- 4311 - Word problem I (18:50)
- 4312 - Word problem II (19:08)
- 4408 Part 1 - Rectangles & squares (26:33)
- 4408 Part 2 - Rectangles & squares (12:20)
- 4409 - Composite figures (23:04)
- 4410 - Word problems (24:38)
- 4601 - Table (42:39)
- 4602 - Line graph (24:02)
- 4801 - Seconds (21:14)
- 4802 - 24 Hour Clok Word Problem (15:57)

Hi, I’m [Your Name Here]
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